
Explore our weather services

Explore our weather services

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) of Malawi is the nation's trusted authority on weather forecasts, providing indispensable daily and five-day weather forecasts, weekly updates, and crucial weather warnings. Our services are designed to support a wide array of users, including farmers making planting decisions, pilots navigating the skies, emergency services preparing for disaster response, and families planning their day-to-day activities. By delivering clear and accurate meteorological information, we empower our community to make well-informed decisions, ensuring the safety and advancement of all Malawians.

What we do
Daily Weather Forecast

We offer accurate day-to-day climate predictions to assist in personal and professional planning.

Five Days Weather Forecast

We provide a five-day outlook to help with medium-term scheduling and preparedness.

Weekly Weather Update

We deliver a comprehensive review of the week's weather for a broader perspective on potential trends.

Weather Warnings

We issue critical alerts to safeguard lives and property from imminent weather-related threats.

Our Public Weather Services

Our Public Weather Services

The Public Weather Services, a vital arm of the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS), is charged with the noble task of protecting life and property in Malawi. Through the provision of a comprehensive suite of weather information and related warnings, it equips the public with the knowledge necessary for making prudent decisions in everyday life, thereby enhancing safety and preserving assets. The core goals of the service are multifaceted: to foster a heightened awareness and understanding of weather hazards and the appropriate preparedness measures; to deepen public engagement and literacy in meteorological subjects; to forge and solidify partnerships with emergency authorities and the media to ensure accurate information dissemination; and to clearly communicate the role of the DCCMS, detailing the accessibility of its diverse products and services. This commitment ensures that the citizens of Malawi are not only well-informed but also actively involved in the conversation around meteorological events and their impacts.

Our Programmes

Our Public Weather Services at DCCMS are designed to enhance public understanding and engagement with meteorological phenomena. Our programmes encompass a range of Public Awareness and Educational initiatives, such as commemorating significant days like World Meteorological Day and Africa Public Service Day, along with hosting public talks, seminars, workshops, and site visits to broaden community knowledge. Further, the TV weather and radio broadcasting programme is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and trained staff, ensuring high-quality dissemination of weather information. Lastly, the Early Warning and Disaster Management initiative positions DCCMS as an essential contributor to national preparedness, providing vital information and operating effective Early Warning Systems to safeguard the community against natural disasters.

Our Programmes

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Climate Information News

In June 2024, the average minimum temperature anomaly was +0.95°C, marking it as one of the warmest…
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Rainfall Analysis over Nsanje and Chikwawa During Tropical …

This publication by the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services analyzes rainfall …

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