Disaster Risk Management

Disaster Risk Management

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS), recognizes the critical importance of robust weather and climate monitoring and forecasting in Disaster Risk Management (DRM). Our suite of services is designed to support proactive decision-making and risk mitigation strategies in the face of natural disasters. Through our Climate Risk Maps, stakeholders gain localized insights into potential hazards, facilitating informed risk management and emergency preparedness measures. Our DRM Forecast service provides timely and accurate predictions of extreme weather events, empowering communities, emergency responders, and policymakers to take preemptive action and minimize the impacts of disasters. Moreover, our periodic 'State of Climate in Malawi' reports offer in-depth analyses of current risk profiles and trends, enabling stakeholders to adapt their strategies and enhance resilience in a changing environment. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and expertise, we strive to equip Malawians at all levels with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively manage disaster risks and build a more resilient future.

What we do
Extreme Weather Warnings and Advisories

DCCMS provides timely warnings and advisories for extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, heatwaves and strong winds

Infrastructure Resilience

Provision of analyzed historical weather patterns and climate projections, to enable climate smart infrastructure development.

Communities Capacity Building in DRM

We educate communities about weather-related risks and the importance of preparedness for enhanced resilience to disasters. This includes teaching people how to interpret weather forecasts and develop emergency plans.

Nowcasting of Lightening Events

Providing nowcasting of lightening events to communities, through our network of lightening detecting system

Weather Monitoring Network

Weather Monitoring Network

Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services operates over a hundred sophisticated network of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and twenty-one conventional synoptic stations, strategically positioned to continuously monitor weather patterns. This comprehensive system enables the department to gather real-time data crucial for generating accurate weather forecasts. By leveraging advanced technology alongside traditional methods, DCCMS ensures the timely dissemination of vital information thereby ultimately safeguarding lives and property against the unpredictable forces of nature. This commitment to precision forecasting plays a pivotal role in enhancing community resilience and preparedness, empowering individuals and authorities to make informed decisions in the face of changing weather conditions.


Seasonal Forecast Workshop
Workshop 01 Nov 2023 - 08 Nov 2023

Climate Outlook Forum
National Climate Outlook Forum (NACOF) 2023/2024 Seasonal Forecast
Climate Outlook Forum 25 Sep 2023 - 25 Sep 2023

Latest Updates

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Climate Information News


Climate Information News

In June 2024, the average minimum temperature anomaly was +0.95°C, marking it as one of the warmest…
Rainfall Analysis over Nsanje and Chikwawa During Tropical Disturbances


Rainfall Analysis over Nsanje and Chikwawa During Tropical …

This publication by the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services analyzes rainfall …