Climate Change

Monitoring, Adapting and Mitigating

Explore our Climate Change Services

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS), take pride in advanced Climate Change Monitoring and Projection services aimed at addressing the challenges of a changing climate. The cutting-edge monitoring tools and systems continuously track key climate indicators such as temperature, rainfall patterns and characteristics, providing real-time data to inform decision-making processes. Moreover, climate projection tools utilize the latest scientific research to anticipate long-term climate trends and variability, helping stakeholders develop robust adaptation and mitigation strategies. Through these integrated services, DCCMS empower Malawians to proactively manage climate risks and build resilience in the face of a rapidly changing environment.

What we do
Provison of Climate Change Projections

DCCMS provides climate projections for decades to come

Latest Updates


Malawi at the Frontline of Action

Time is running out! Watch our latest video featuring the Weather Kids campaign, highlighting the u…
Early Warning Systems, Making Malawi More Resilient


Early Warning Systems, Making Malawi More Resilient

Like many African nations, Malawi faces severe threats from climate change, especially extreme weat…
Climate Information News


Climate Information News

In June 2024, the average minimum temperature anomaly was +0.95°C, marking it as one of the warmest…

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